Ninth Edition of the International Salon of Inventions and New Technologies “New Time” Announced Its Winners


On 26-28 September, the delegation of the State Agency on Intellectual Property (AGEPI) participated in the ninth edition of the International Salon of Inventions and New Technologies “New Time”, which was held in the city of Sevastopol, Ukraine.

Salon “New Time” is a joint project of the Agency for Economic Development of Sevastopol, Agency for Science and Innovation Support “New Time” and Centre “AYUMEL”. This year, the event was organized with the support of the Ministry of Education, Science, Youth and Sports of Ukraine, State Department of Intellectual Property of Ukraine, Institute of Intellectual Property of Ukraine, Sevastopol City State Administration and Council, Ukrainian Academy of Sciences (UAS), International Federation of Inventors’ Associations (IFIA) and other organizations in the field of intellectual property.

In total, at this salon were exhibited 580 works in various fields of science and technology, presented by young inventors and research institutions from Ukraine, Republic of China (Taiwan), Poland, Hungary, Romania, Republic of Moldova, Russian Federation, Slovenia.

Republic of Moldova was represented at the salon by AGEPI, State University of Moldova, State Agrarian University of Moldova, National Scientific and Practical Centre of Emergency Medicine and Institute “ELIRI”. In the event, the State Agency on Intellectual Property participated with an exhibition stand, in which was presented the national intellectual property system. At the same time, there were also distributed promotional materials, including about the International Specialized Exhibition “Infoinvent”, the thirteenth edition of which will take place in the period of 19-22 November 2013, within the premises of the International Exhibition Center “Moldexpo” JSC.

For its contribution to the promotion of intellectual property and organization of the exhibition stand, AGEPI received the special prize of the Centre “AYUMEL” and was awarded the gold medal of the International Salon “New Time”.

The representative of the State Agrarian University of Moldova, inventor Larisa Caisin got the Grand Prix of the Exhibition “Woman-Inventor” for the seven inventions in the field of animal breeding.

Likewise, other inventors from the Republic of Moldova were awarded gold, silver and bronze medals for inventions exhibited.

AGEPI in turn praised the contribution made to the development of creativity of young generation and awarded medals and diplomas to: Tancovoie Gymnasium of Young Gifted, Bakhchisaray district, Crimea, Ukraine, works of Victor Kurylenco School Eureka, Krivoy Rog, Ukraine, and the group of inventors from the National Institute of Inventiveness of Iasi, Romania, for the new Varieties of Cherries “Ludovica”, “Cociu”, “Andrei”.

AGEPI Cup was handed to the International Salon of Inventions and New Technologies “New Time” for the invention and innovation promotion activity.