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Press Releases

Full list of Press-Releases ordered chronologically.

30/09/2024 | Events

AGEPI, present at the “Moldova Tourism Forum” and the “Excellence in Tourism Gala 2024”

The representatives of the State Agency on Intellectual Property (AGEPI) participated on September 27, 2024, in two major events: “Moldova Tourism Forum” and “Excellence in Tourism Gala 2024”, which promoted the country’s tourism potential. These events were dedicated to the World Tourism Day,... Read more
27/09/2024 | Events

The Republic of Moldova drops 68th in the rankings of the Global Innovation Index 2024

The Republic of Moldova ranked 68th out of 133 countries and economies in the ranking of the Global Innovation Index 2024 (GII), marking a drop of 8 positions compared to the previous year, when it ranked 60th. The Global Innovation Index is one of the most important benchmark studies for measuring... Read more
27/09/2024 | Events

AGEPI Offered Consultancy in the Field of Intellectual Property at the MoldMedizin & MoldDent Exhibition

The representatives of the State Agency on Intellectual Property (AGEPI) participated on September 26, 2024, in the opening of the 27th edition of the International Specialized Exhibition “MoldMedizin & MoldDent”. The event, organized at the International Exhibition Center “Moldexpo” on... Read more
25/09/2024 | Events

The Moldovan-Swiss Intellectual Property Project Was Officially Launched in Chisinau

On September 24, 2024, the Moldovan-Swiss Intellectual Property Project was officially launched in Chisinau. The project is financed by the Swiss Government through the Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO) and implemented by the Swiss Federal Institute of Intellectual Property (IPI)... Read more
20/09/2024 | Events

The Representatives of the Republic of Moldova, present at the CPVO-EUIPO Conference on Plant Variety Protection in Alicante

The Joint Conference organized by the Community Plant Variety Office (CPVO) and the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO) took place from 18 to 20 September 2024 in Alicante, Spain. The purpose of the event was to facilitate an open and constructive dialogue between various actors in... Read more
20/09/2024 | Events

AGEPI supports Innovation at the International Exhibition EXCELLENT IDEA – 2024

The International Exhibition of Innovation and Technology Transfer EXCELLENT IDEA - 2024 is being held from September 20 to 22, this year, in the premises of the Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova (AESM), Block A. The event is organized by AESM, the Academy of Sciences of Moldova, the State... Read more
19/09/2024 | Events

AGEPI, present at the 10th Edition of the Conference “Yesterday’s Cultural Heritage - Implications for the Development of Tomorrow’s Society”

The State Agency on Intellectual Property (AGEPI) participated on September 19, in the 10th edition of the International Scientific Conference “Yesterday’s Cultural Heritage - Implications for the Development of Tomorrow’s Society”, organized by the Academy of Sciences of Moldova (ASM ) in the... Read more
19/09/2024 | Events

AGEPI participated in the Conference “IP Strategy for SMEs in a Competitive Market” in Warsaw

The Director General of the State Agency on Intellectual Property (AGEPI), Eugeniu Rusu, participated on September 18, 2024, in the International Conference on IP Strategy for SMEs in a Competitive Market , held in Warsaw, Poland. The event was organized by the Polish Patent Office in partnership... Read more
18/09/2024 | Events

Participate in the WIPO Conversations on Intellectual Property and Artificial Intelligence

The World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) is organizing on November 5-6, 2024, the 10th edition of the WIPO Conversations on Intellectual Property and Frontier Technologies. The main theme of this edition is: “ AI Output : To p rotect , or n ot to p rotect – t hat i s the IP Q uestion... Read more
13/09/2024 | Events

Representatives of the Prosecutor General’s Office participated in the EIPPN Workshop on IP Crime Prosecution in Geneva

The Workshop of the European Intellectual Property Prosecutors Network (EIPPN) was held from 12 to 13 September 2024, at the headquarters of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) in Geneva, Switzerland, organized by the European Observatory on Infringements of Intellectual Property... Read more
13/09/2024 | Events

AGEPI participated in the “One Belt, One Road” Conference on Intellectual Property in Beijing

The State Agency on Intellectual Property (AGEPI) participated from September 11 to 13, 2024, in the third edition of the High-Level Conference on Intellectual Property within the “One Belt, One Road” Initiative (BRIPCON), which was held in the city of Beijing, China. The event was organized by the... Read more
06/09/2024 | Events

Training Seminar in the Field of Protection of Intellectual Property Rights and Anti-Counterfeiting

A training seminar was held on September 6, this year, in the field of protection of intellectual property rights and anti-counterfeiting, organized by the Anti-Counterfeiting Association REACT of Romania and hosted by the State Agency on Intellectual Property (AGEPI). The event brought together... Read more
05/09/2024 | Events

Study Visit to Poland on Plant Variety Protection

The representatives of the State Agency on Intellectual Property (AGEPI), together with those of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Industry and the State Commission for Plant Variety Testing, participated from September 3 to 5, in a study visit to Poland. The event was organized under the... Read more
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