(+373-22) 400500

Anti-corruption line:
(+373-22) 400500

Requests for access to information of public interest

Regulatory framework on access to information of public interest:

How to submit requests for communication of information of public interest

Requests for access to information of public interest addressed to the State Agency on Intellectual Property (AGEPI) may be submitted in the following ways:

  • to the email address or
  • at the AGEPI headquarters or sent to the postal address: 24/1, Andrei Doga Str., Chisinau, MD2024, Republic of Moldova.
  • addressed verbally (directly or by telephone).

Note: Applicants for information are not obliged to:

  • motivate or justify their requests;
  • sign the application holographically or electronically.

Mandatory elements of the request:

  • forename and surname of the applicant;
  • the postal address of the applicant, as well as the e-mail address if a reply is requested in this way;
  • name of the information provider;
  • specification of the information of public interest requested, with sufficient and conclusive details to allow its identification by the information provider.

The request that does not contain the forename and surname/name of the applicant, or the postal address of the applicant, as well as the e-mail address if a reply is requested in this way, shall not be examined.

If the requested information is not specified in the request or if, from the content of the request, it is not possible to identify the requested information, the applicant shall be informed of the deficiency and given at least 5 working days to remove it. The information provider shall provide the necessary assistance and support to the applicant to specify the information.

If the applicant does not remove the deficiencess within the prescribed time limit, the request shall not be examined, of which the applicant shall be informed.

Information of public interest shall be communicated to the applicant from the moment it is available to be communicated, but no later than 10 days from the date of registration of the request. In the cases provided by law, the time limit may be extended.

Information of public interest shall be communicated to the applicant in the language in which it is available.

Payments for the communication of information of public interest

The communication of information of public interest shall be free, with the exceptions provided for in the normative acts, if it is carried out by:

  • providing the information in electronic form;
  • sending the information by post, on paper, and the volume does not exceed 20 pages;
  • releasing the information at the premises of the information provider, on paper, and the volume does not exceed 20 pages;
  • examining the information in original, at the premises of the information provider;
  • presenting the information in verbal form, in the case of requests addressed verbally.

If, according to the normative acts, the communication of information of public interest involves the payment of some payments, the applicant shall be informed, within the period provided for in Art. 19 of Law No. 148/2023, of the total amount to be paid for the communication of the requested information, as well as of the payment method. In this case, the information of public interest is communicated within no more than 5 working days from the date of receipt of the proof of payment.