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Meeting of the National Commission on Intellectual Property


On 18 June this year, at the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Moldova was held the ordinary meeting of the National Commission on Intellectual Property (NCIP).

The meeting was chaired by the President of the Commission, Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Economy, Mr. Stephane Christophe BRIDE, with the participation of NCIP, representatives of AGEPI, Ministry of Agriculture and Food Industry, Ministry of Culture, Academy of Sciences, Chamber of Commerce and Industry and Customs Service.

According to the working agenda of the meeting, there have been discussed several topics which you can find at:


Thus, during the NCIP meeting were presented the consolidated monitoring Report on the realization of the Action Plan for 2012-2014 on implementation of the National Intellectual Property Strategy until 2020, Activity Report of the Observatory on the Enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights in the Republic of Moldova for 2014, and information on support of patenting abroad and the way of awarding WIPO medals.

Note was also taken of the information on the results of enforcement of intellectual property rights at the border in 2014 presented by the Customs Service.

At the same time, during the meeting was presented a report on the way of using and ensuring protection of intellectual property objects, owner of which are public authorities/institutions.

NCIP members took note of the information presented by the AGEPI on the legal framework, institutional framework and updated situation in the field of protection of geographical indications (GIs), appellations of origin (AO) and traditional specialties guaranteed (TSG) in the Republic Moldova. It was also noted that in the Republic of Moldova there is an appropriate and effective regulatory framework to ensure the protection of GIs and AO, including the enforcement of rights. But there are remaining deficiencies in the process of their registration nationwide, making it impossible to protect them at international and European level, consequently these effective tools to promote the export of domestic quality products remain unused. It also remains unused the enormous potential of the GI system of rural development and agro-tourism, creation of jobs and stabilization of manpower in villages, perpetuation of tradition and ultimately promotion of country’s image.

Following the examination of all issues on the agenda, the National Commission on Intellectual Property highlighted the following recommendations:

  • strengthening the work of the Observatory on the Enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights and active involvement of the holders of intellectual property rights;
  • intensifying the inter-institutional cooperation for the analysis of counterfeiting and piracy phenomenon in the Republic of Moldova;
  • the need for inventory of portfolio of intellectual property objects created or used in public institutions and undertaking all required measures to ensure the protection of IPO;
  • promoting patenting abroad;
  • reviewing the national potential of products that can be marketed under a GI/AO or as a TSG, on geographical areas/regions and the need to train persons appointed within each institution responsible to coordinate activities focused on the protection and promotion of GIs, AO, STG.


National Commission on Intellectual Property is an advisory body established by Government Decision No. 489 of 29.03.2008 in order to coordinate and ensure interaction of ministries and other central administrative authorities, and holders of intellectual property rights in activities aimed at developing and strengthening the national intellectual property system, combating and preventing infringements of intellectual property rights and fight against counterfeiting and piracy in RM.

Photo source: mec.gov.md.