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Press Releases

Full list of Press-Releases ordered chronologically.

28/03/2016 | Information

Top Applicants for International Trademark Registration Applications

The number of international trademark registration applications filed with the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) under the Madrid System grew by 2.9%, reaching a record figure of 49,273 applications in 2015. Applications received from Australia and the United States constitute 90% of... Read more
05/02/2016 | Information

Doina Sulac has the most Applications for Registration of Objects protected by Copyright and Related Rights

The top of authors who submitted the most applications for registration of works with the State Agency on Intellectual Property (AGEPI) is opened by Doina Sulac. The singer filed 45 applications for registration of musical works, mostly transmitted by inheritance from her father. The silver medal... Read more
29/01/2016 | Information

The Significance and Importance of Symbols that are found in Trademarks

Often we find the presence of symbols ® , TM or SM alongside reproductions, but we do not know their meaning. In fact, they show whether the trademark is registered or not. In accordance with Article 9(4) of the Law on the Protection of Trademarks, a trademark owner may place alongside a trademark... Read more
28/01/2016 | Information

What is franchising and which are the companies operating under this system in the Republic of Moldova

Franchising is a business development strategy, a form of commerce that connects a franchisor owner of a trademark and a trader - francisee. For the owner, the franchising is a way to expand the business and for the franchisee is an opportunity to open and operate under a recognized trademark... Read more
20/01/2016 | Information

Use of the Hague System by citizens of the Republic of Moldova

The benefits of the Hague Agreement for design protection in other countries are also used by citizens of the Republic of Moldova. Priority areas for protection sought by the Moldovan creators abroad are articles of furniture; packages and containers for transportation or storage of goods and... Read more
28/12/2015 | Information

A New Version of the 10th Edition of the International Classification of Products and Services for the Purposes of the Registration of Marks (CIPS)

By Order of the Director General of AGEPI No 232 of 21 December 2015 on the application of the 2016 version of the 10th edition of the International Classification of Goods and Services for the Purpose of the Registration of Marks (CIPS), issued pursuant to the decision of the Committee of Experts... Read more
16/12/2015 | Information

Advertisement to the Holders of International Trademarks Originating in the Republic of Moldova

To the address of the State Agency on Intellectual Property (AGEPI) have been received more information from the holders of international trademarks originating in the Republic of Moldova, where is mentioned the receipt of letters from various international institutions, inviting them to pay fees... Read more
02/12/2015 | Information

AGEPI received the 1000th Online Application

State Agency on Intellectual Property (AGEPI) received the 1000th application for registration of an intellectual property object, filed online. AGEPI launched the web service “Online Filing of Applications for Registration of Intellectual Property Objects” on 1 January 2013. The purpose of the... Read more
05/10/2015 | Information

National Symbols for Marking Products, published by WIPO

On September 30, 2015, the International Bureau of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) published a list of symbols whose protection was sought under the Paris Convention. These also include the national symbols “Ecological Agriculture – Republic of Moldova”, “Protected Geographical... Read more
16/09/2015 | Information

A Farewell Tribute to Maestro Mihai Volontir

We received with deep grief and profound regret the news of the disappearance among us of the great actor and Man of fortress, Mihai Volontir. Together with the entire Nation, we deplore this irreplaceable loss of a star of first magnitude of the national culture. Endowed from Heaven with... Read more
09/09/2015 | Information

Autochthonous Trademarks, More Visible on International Markets

Lately, we are witnessing a growing interest of applicants from the Republic of Moldova in providing protection for trademarks in the markets of other countries. Thus, if in 2010 were filed 43 international applications, having MD as the country of origin, then only in the first half-year of 2015... Read more
08/09/2015 | Information

Moldova ratified the Beijing Treaty on Audiovisual Performances

Moldova has sent the instruments of ratification of the Beijing Treaty on Audiovisual Performances, adopted on 24 June 2012 and ratified by Law No. 118 of 28 May 2015. The Beijing Treaty governs the legal protection of audiovisual performances and recordings of performers, including actors, singers... Read more
01/09/2015 | Information

AGEPI developed a Draft Law Amending and Supplementing the Law on Copyright and Related Rights

AGEPI developed a Draft Law Amending and Supplementing the Law No. 139 of 02.07.2010 on Copyright and Related rights. The Draft aims at effectively implementing the protection principles of copyright and related rights, particularly concerning the terms of protection. This draft is developed for... Read more
07/08/2015 | Information

In Parliament were adopted the Amendments and Additions to Certain Legislative Acts Concerning the Protection of IPO

On 30 July 2015, in the meeting of the Moldovan Parliament, were adopted amendments and additions to certain legislative acts in the field of intellectual property, namely: Law No. 38-XVI of 29 February 2008 on the Protection of Trademarks; Law No.161-XVI of 12 July 2007 on the Protection of... Read more
06/08/2015 | Information

The Government approved a new Action Plan on the implementation of the National Intellectual Property Strategy

On 5 August this year, the Government approved the Action Plan for 2015-2017 on the implementation of the National Intellectual Property Strategy until 2020, previously approved by Government Decision no. 880 of 11.22.2012. The draft Action Plan was prepared by the State Agency on Intellectual... Read more


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