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Press Releases

Full list of Press-Releases ordered chronologically.

31/05/2022 | Events

Promoting the Geographical Indications System in the Republic of Moldova

The geographical indications system in the Republic of Moldova and its impact on the development of the wine-growing and wine-making sector were topics discussed during the broadcast “Public Space” Radio Moldova. The geographical indication (GI) as an industrial property object is a relatively new... Read more
30/05/2022 | Events

AGEPI Invites Young People to Participate in the South Korea International Olympiad

The 7th edition of the Korea International Youth Olympiad 4I (KIYO) will take place on August 11-13. Under epidemiological circumstances, the event will take place in hybrid format. KIYO offers young inventors the opportunity to share their ideas, inventions, innovations and intellectual property... Read more
30/05/2022 | Events

European Exhibition of Creativity and Innovation EUROINVENT Has Designated Its Winners

The State Agency on Intellectual Property (AGEPI) participated in the 14th edition of the European Exhibition of Creativity and Innovation EUROINVENT, which took place from 26 to 28 May in Iasi, Romania. During the exhibition, over 344 inventions and research projects from 27 countries were... Read more
28/05/2022 | Events

Intellectual Property Gender Gap Will Be Discussed During a Virtual Seminar Organized by WIPO

The World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) is organizing from May 31 to June 1 the online seminar on the intellectual property (IP) gender gap in the European region. This seminar is the second of its kind organized by WIPO to address the IP gender gap issue, the first being organized in... Read more
27/05/2022 | Events

Entrepreneurs in the SME Sector, Informed about Intellectual Property

The Organization for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises Sector Development (ODIMM), in partnership with the State Agency on Intellectual Property of the Republic of Moldova (AGEPI), organized on May 27, this year, in online format, an information session on the role and purpose of intellectual... Read more
27/05/2022 | Events

AGEPI participates in the European Exhibition of Innovation and Creativity EUROINVENT

The 14th edition of the European Exhibition of Innovation and Creativity EUROINVENT-2022, in Iasi, Romania, will take place from 26 to 28 May, in hybrid format. EUROINVENT is organized by the Romanian Inventors Forum, together with the Gheorghe Asachi Technical University of Iasi, Europe Direct... Read more
24/05/2022 | Events

Participants in the Information and Learning Campaign “NO TO PLAGIARISM!” met in a Final Conference

The Final Conference of the Information and Learning Campaign “NO TO PLAGIARISM!” took place on May 20, this year. The Information and Learning Campaign “NO TO PLAGIARISM!”, an initiative of the Association of Librarians of the Republic of Moldova (ALRM) and aligned with the State Agency on... Read more
24/05/2022 | Events

Status of Implementation of the WIPO Development Agenda, Reviewed by the Committee on Development and Intellectual Property

The 28th session of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) Committee on Development and Intellectual Property (CDIP) was held in Geneva, Switzerland, from May 16 to 20, 2022. In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, the committee’s work was conducted in a hybrid format, with a limited... Read more
18/05/2022 | Events

The National Report on the Enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights Was Launched

The State Agency on Intellectual Property of the Republic of Moldova (AGEPI) announces the launch of the National Report on the Enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) in the Republic of Moldova for 2021. The report is prepared by the Observatory on Enforcement of Intellectual Property... Read more
16/05/2022 | Events

AGEPI has aligned with the criteria for assessing the disclosure of designs on the internet applied in the EU Member States

The State Agency on Intellectual Property of the Republic of Moldova ( AGEPI ) has adopted and published Practice Paper on the criteria for assessing the disclosure of designs on the internet and to provide recommendations thereof. The practice paper provides a clear and comprehensive explanation... Read more
16/05/2022 | Events

The “Creative Business Cup 2022” Has Designated Its Winners

The State Agency on Intellectual Property participated, on Saturday, May 14, as a partner in the national stage of the competition “Creative Business Cup 2022” . In its ninth edition, the competition was organized by the Public Association “Global Entrepreneurship Network Moldova” (GEN Moldova), in... Read more
12/05/2022 | Events

Invitation to the International Conference of WIPO IP Training Institutions

The World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) invites Member States’ representatives to the International Conference of WIPO Intellectual Property Training Institutions (IPTIs), which will be held virtually on May 23 to May 24, 2022. The purpose of the conference is to share experiences and... Read more
10/05/2022 | Events

AGEPI presents the Annual Activity Report for 2021

The State Agency on Intellectual Property (AGEPI) announces the launch of the Annual Report, which reflects the complex and multilateral activity of the institution during 2021. The year 2021, although still marked by the Covid-19 pandemic, allowed the smooth conduct of the procedures for the... Read more
06/05/2022 | Events

AGEPI participated in the Roundtable “Intellectual Property Rights in Moldova: Civil and Criminal Perspectives”

The State Agency on Intellectual Property (AGEPI), in partnership with the Office of Professional Development and Training of the U.S. Department of Justice, held on May 6 a roundtable entitled: “Intellectual Property Rights in Moldova: Civil and Criminal Perspectives”. In the opening, the Director... Read more
06/05/2022 | Events

Training in the Field of Intellectual Property for the Academy of Music, Theater and Fine Arts

The Academy of Music, Theater and Fine Arts (AMTAP), in partnership with the State Agency for Intellectual Property, organized on May 5 a conference entitled “Copyright and Related Rights in the Field of Arts”. The event, intended to professors, doctoral students and librarians from the Academy,... Read more


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