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Winners of the Contest “TOP OF INNOVATIONS-2010”


On 4 February this year, in the National Exhibition “Made in Moldova-2010” took place the ceremony for designation of winners of the Contest “TOP OF INNOVATIONS-2010”.

Organizers of this intellectual competition, now in its third edition, are the Academy of Sciences of Moldova (ASM), Agency for Innovation and Technology Transfer (AITT) and State Agency on Intellectual Property of the Republic of Moldova (AGEPI).

The aim of the contest in question was to determine the most valuable 10 innovations in various fields of research and innovation that have been implemented during 2010. “It was very interesting to examine these cases, to evaluate them, to discuss with those who presented papers to the Contest for a better understanding of what is an innovation, the way it was implemented, the underlying technology” - said Mr. Ghenadie Cernei, director of the Agency for Innovation and Technology Transfer of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova, the moderator of the event.

Of 30 innovations, submitted to the contest, the Council of experts selected after the examination, 10 of the most valuable, namely:

1. First place, as well as the nomination “INNOVATION OF THE YEAR” - Nicolae SAVGA, SUMPh “N. Testemitanu”, for innovation “Devices for correction of scoliotic vertebral column deformities”.

2. Second place - Alexandr Brestecico, SM ”SANIN” LTD, for innovation “Biodegradable mulching film “MulchBioFilm”.

3. Third place - Tudor LUPASCU, Institute of Chemistry of the ASM, for innovation “Medicinal preparations produced on base of the active substance ”ENOXIL”.

4. Fourth place - Felix SEPELI, Institute of Chemistry of the ASM, for innovation “New dental preparations based on fennel fruit extract and their production technology” (“FENGLICOL” and “FENCARIN”).

5. Fifth place - Mihai TIRSU, Institute of Energy of the ASM, for innovation “Tension phase shift control transformer with thyristors”.

6. Sixth place - Mr. Vladimir BERZAN, Institute of Energy of the ASM, for innovation “Innovative technical solutions for efficient conversion of wind energy”.

7. Seventh place - Tamara POTLOG, State University of Moldova, for innovation “Photovoltaic modules based on CdTe for low-power plants”.

8. Eighth place - Victor GHICAVAI, Vadim GAVRILUTA, SUMPh “N. Testemitanu”, for innovation “Methods for preventing radio therapy complications in oncology patients”.

9. Ninth place - Constantin TURTA, Institute of Chemistry of the ASM, for innovation “Technology for production and use of antichlorotic preparation “GAJAZOT”.

10. Tenth place - Nicolae BALAUR, Institute of Genetics and Plant Physiology of the ASM, for innovation “Innovation for plant reconstruction - C3”.

Diplomas of the winners of the Contest “TOP OF INNOVATIONS-2010” were handed by Mr. Gh. Cernei, director of AITT, and Mr. T. Jovmir, director, Inventions Department, AGEPI.

Also, the Valuation Committee decided to award mention diplomas to several local manufacturers who exhibited innovative products on the exhibition stands of the National Exhibition “Made in Moldova”. In addition to new technologies, they also use old technologies or manufacture old products with new utility. By these mentions benefited:

1. “TEHNO-ITAL-BLOCK TNC” LTD (vibropressed concrete articles under European technology) - diploma for launch of innovation products in the field of construction on the local market.

2. “MESTER FAUR” JSC (artistic processing of vegetable fibers (osier, bulrush, straw, corn husk, reed, manufacture of barrels and selling of crafts to order) - diploma for revitalization and popularization of crafts and handicrafts.

3. “PELIN-ART” LTD (wood articles (panels, sculptures, souvenirs in Moldovan national style, flasks, masks, exclusive furniture) - diploma for revitalization and popularization of crafts and handicrafts.

The event was attended by representatives of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova, Agency for Innovation and Technology Transfer of the ASM, State Agency on Intellectual Property of the Republic of Moldova, scholars of institutions and organizations in science and innovation, natural and legal persons, state and private, acting in the Republic of Moldova, representatives of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, mass media, etc.

For more information access: http://www.aitt.md/?q=news/187