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The Moldo-Communitary consultations on the protection of the geographical indications and designations of origin


On May 27, 2008 in Chisinau took place a round of Moldo-Communitary consultations based on matters of protection of the geographical indications and designations of origin of products. The European delegation consisting of 5 experts was under the leadership of Nicolas VERLET, Head Unity of the Neighboring Policy, European Free Trade Association (EFTA) in the frame of the General Direction of Agriculture and Rural Development. In the structure of Moldovan delegation led by Mr. Anatolie GORODENCO, Minister of Agriculture and Food Industry (MAIA), Mr. Dorian CHIROSCA , Director General AGEPI, Mrs. Ludmila NETREVA, Head Direction of the Technological Policy in the frame of Agro-Industrial Agency “Moldova-Vin”, and Mrs. Leonora Obada, Vice-Director General Oenology of the National Institute of Viticulture and Wine-making, as well as other specialists of MAIA and AGEPI.

During the consultations there were tackled matters related to the protection of the geographical indications and designations of origin in the context of harmonization of the national legislation with the European one in the given field. The European experts communicated to the participants on the communitary system of protection of the geographical indications and designation of origin, economical and social advantages, as well as on the last evolutions in the frame of the system. They also mentioned the importance of European experience obtaining by the Republic of Moldova having a high potential on realization of the products with geographical indications and designations of origin both in the wine-making field and in the field of agricultural and food. There were tackled specific aspects related to the increased level of protection of geographical indications and designations of origin for wines and alcohol beverages.

The specialists of AGEPI stated on the national legislation in the respective field, representing the draft of the law on protection of geographical indications, designations of origin and traditional specialities guaranteed, approved by the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova in the second reading in the current March. The mentioned draft was elaborated by AGEPI with the technical assistance of European Union, according to the reference terms of the assistance program TACIS.

The European experts have positively appreciated the present draft, mentioning that it corresponds to the communitary norms and expressing availability to render assistance in implementation of the new legislation by organization in the Republic of Moldova of seminars with participation of the experts and producers from the countries members of EU which already realize profit from the advantages of the system of protection of the geographical indications and designations of origin.

In consequence, there was agreed on organization of some permanent consultations in the tackled matters.