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Introductory Course in IP field for the Beneficiaries of the National Agency for Employment


On January 28, 2011, at the National Agency on Intellectual Property of the Republic of Moldova (AGEPI) was conducted an introductory course in the intellectual property protection field for a group of unemployed persons, jointly organized by the Vocational School No. 8, Chisinau Municipality, at the request of the National Agency for Employment in the context of retraining people looking for a job. Such courses are determined by economic restructuring, social mobility and change in work capacity. These people have the opportunity to acquire theoretical and practical knowledge of creation of individual enterprises or initiation of entrepreneurial activities, the Group consisting of 22 persons is in the process of acquiring advanced knowledge, modern methods and processes for conducting future business activities.

In the introductory course in IP field entitled “The role of intellectual property in economic development of entrepreneurs”, offered by the AGEPI specialists Mr. Ion TIGANAS, Deputy Director General AGEPI, informed listeners about the specifics of the intellectual property system, which is the basis of modern economics. In conditions when intangible assets tend to exceed the material ones, the basis of a prosperous business is formed by the knowledge-based economic activity and exploitation of intellectual potential, and the legal protection and levers of protection against counterfeiting and piracy offer them the IP rights, obtained by patenting/registration of intellectual products.

Further, students have been presented the legislation in the field of intellectual property and mechanisms for ensuring intellectual property rights in the Republic of Moldova (Rapporteur – Mr. Liviu Sibov, senior specialist, Legal Department AGEPI). He noted that intellectual property system stimulates appearance of new ideas, fosters creativity and economic development, attracts investment in new technologies and the exclusive right in IPO is a competitive advantage. Republic of Moldova has a modern legal framework, harmonized with the international treaties and European Union legislation, able to contribute to attracting investment, to protect goods and products, growth of enterprise capital, getting credits, trading licenses, etc.

About the economy, evaluation and capitalization of intellectual property has been informed by Mr. Iurie Badar, Head of Economics and Finance Department, AGEPI. He drew particular attention to the specifics of intellectual products: the intangible character (knowledge, information), unique character (unlike material goods that are produced in series). He noted that intellectual products (especially inventions), as an economic factor, serve to create other economic goods, including of material nature, and implementation of intellectual products does not lead to the loss of their utility. It disappears only in the case of elaboration of better products.

In support to future entrepreneurs come services provided by the AGEPI. To this chapter has provided details Ana Cheptene, senior specialist, Marketing, Services Division, AGEPI. At the request of interested parties, AGEPI employees conduct documentary searches in databases on patents, product and service trademarks, industrial designs, geographical indications, appellations of origin, and objects of copyright and related rights. AGEPI also provides legal, publishing, printing services, etc.

Finally, the students visited the AGEPI library, taking cognizance of the vast collection of information sources in the field of intellectual property: about 25 million documents and publications (books, periodicals, official bulletins, electronic documents); over 7500 copies of the national collection of patents, patent applications, new varieties of plants, etc., and about 1 million of international documents (Official Bulletins of Industrial Property, textual, bibliographic and reference databases on electronic media).

Students were invited to participate in national seminars organized by the AGEPI in the exhibition “Made in Moldova” to familiarize themselves with the aspects of legal protection of product and service trademarks, industrial designs, as well as their role in enhancing competitiveness of enterprises on the market, namely: on 3 February this year the seminar “The role of industrial design in promoting the enterprise image on domestic and foreign market” and on 4 February – the seminar “Geographical indications - new opportunities to promote quality food products”.

The introductory course in IP field for people in career reorientation process is meant to help facilitate their social integration in accordance with professional aspirations and labor market needs, training of competitive specialists, updating skills and upgrading professional training in the basic occupation and related occupations, change of qualification by acquiring new advanced knowledge and professional skills.