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GI, AO, TSG. Fees

(Government Decision of the Republic of Moldova No. 774 of August 13, 1997)

(Fee calculator)

Name of services Tariff, euro
39. Filing of the application for the registration of a geographical indication, an appellation of origin or a traditional specialty guaranteed, including examination of the compliance with the conditions for filing and publication of the application / filing of the application for entry in the National Register of Traditional Specialties Guaranteed of a new manufacturer of the product recognized and registered as a traditional specialty guaranteed 20
40. Substantive examination of the application for the registration of a geographical indication, an appellation of origin or a traditional specialty guaranteed 100
41. Filing and examination of the appeal to the provisional notification of refusal of the application for the registration of a geographical indication, an appellation of origin or a traditional specialty guaranteed 10
42. Registration of the:
a) geographical indication or appellation of origin 100
b) traditional specialty guaranteed 50
43. Issuance of the certificate on the right to use the geographical indication or appellation of origin, for a period of 10 years 50
44. Renewal of the right to use the protected geographical indication or the right to use the protected appellation of origin, for a period of 10 years 50
Common procedural tariffs
72. Claiming conventional or exhibition priority in an application for registration/patenting of the object of industrial property, including in an international application 100
73. Claiming priority of an application filed with the State Agency on Intellectual Property (AGEPI), correction or addition of a priority claim 20
74. Receipt, checkup, examination and transmission of the application in accordance with the procedures for international registration, except inventions 50
75. Examination of the request for introduction of an amendment 30
76. Rectification of an error 10
77. Change of data entered in the National Register of Attorneys in Intellectual Property 10
78. Extension of the term of procedure (for an action in proceedings before AGEPI), for each month 20
79. Re-establishment in the omitted time-limit, for each month 50
80. Re-establishment/restoration of rights 100
81. Examination and registration of the assignment, pledge, license or franchise contract for an industrial property object 200
82. Examination of the application and entry of change in the contract registered for an industrial property object 100
83. Deletion of information on registration of the contract, except the contract referred to in par.57 50
84. Filing of:
a) an opposition 100
b) an appeal against the decision adopted in the examination 150
85. Total/partial withdrawal of the application for registration/patenting of the intellectual property object, with the exception of applications referred to in par.52-56, withdrawal of the opposition, withdrawal of the appeal lodged against the decision of the examination, surrender of the title of protection of the intellectual property object 15
86. Issuance of the title of protection in case of transfer of rights, on request 50
87. Examination and registration of the Regulations on the Use of Collective/Certification Mark and publication of information thereon 50
88. Attestation of patent attorneys or evaluators of intellectual property 50
89. Re-attestation of evaluators of intellectual property 25
90. Training in the specialized courses “Protection of Intellectual Property” and “Evaluation of Intellectual Property” 120
91. Organization of mediation/arbitration 20
92. Issuance of an official document on industrial property objects, such as: duplicate, priority document, etc. 20
93. Issuance, on request, of:
a) a notarized extract from the register 10
b) a copy equivalent to a title of protection 5
c) a certified copy of a document from the IPO file, or of a certificate 2
d) a paper copy of the documents from the IPO file or from the Database, for one page 0,03
94. Placement on the homepage of the AGEPI website of the information on the activity of the patent attorney, monthly 10
95. Selection and provision, on request, of analytical and synthetic information on intellectual property objects on:  
a) legal status, for an object 15
b) applicant/owner of intellectual property objects, for an object 15
c) portfolio of intellectual property objects held by a person, for an object 15
d) inventions, a database, an object:  
national databases 50
international databases 150
e) trademarks protected in the Republic of Moldova
for each class, exceeding 1
f) industrial designs protected in the Republic of Moldova for a class, an object 35
g) geographical indications, appellations of origin and traditional specialties guaranteed protected in the Republic of Moldova  
for a denomination 15


1.Payment of fees shall be made to the account of AGEPI, except fees set out in paragraphs 62-64 and 68-71, which is made to the account of the State Commission of the Republic of Moldova for Variety Testing, as follows:

  • legal and natural persons having their domicile and, respectively, residence in the Republic of Moldova, pay fees set in MDL, according to the official exchange rate set by the National Bank of Moldova against the euro on the date of payment;
  • foreign legal and natural persons having their domicile and, respectively, permanent residence abroad pay fees in euro or their equivalent amounts in MDL, according to the official exchange rate set by the National Bank of Moldova against the euro on the date of payment.

2.Applicants and holders of the right to the protection of an invention, utility model and plant variety are granted discounts on fees as follows:

  • 95% of the prescribed amount of fee, if it is a natural person and is the sole author/breeder;
  • 95% of the prescribed amount of fee and exemption from payment of fees for maintenance in force of patents for invention for the first 5 years, if it is an organization in the sphere of science and innovation;
  • 85% of the prescribed amount of fee, if it is an enterprise which fulfills the legal criteria set out for small and medium-sized enterprises, or if it is a natural person and does not act as an author/breeder and if it is a natural person and is not the sole author/breeder.

The discounts set out in this paragraph do not apply to fees provided for in paragraphs 4-10,15, 21, 25, 26, 28, 66, and to fees provided for in Section VIII, except paragraphs 75, 78, 79 and 85 of this Classified List.

3.The applicant or holder of the right to the protection of a trademark benefits from discounts amounting to 50% of the prescribed fee, if it is a natural person or if it is an enterprise which fulfills the legal criteria set out for small and medium-sized enterprises.

The discounts set out in this paragraph do not apply to fees provided for in Section VIII of this Classified List.

4.Applicants and holders of the right to the protection of an industrial design are granted discounts on fees as follows:

  • 85% of the prescribed amount of fee, if it is a natural person and is the author;
  • 65% of the prescribed amount of fee, if it is an enterprise which fulfills the legal criteria set out for small and medium-sized enterprises, or if it is a natural person and does not act as an author.

The discounts set out in this paragraph do not apply to fees provided for in Section VIII, except paragraphs 78, 79 and 85 of this Classified List.

5. Persons with disabilities, unemployed pensioners, war veterans defined in the law on veterans, participants in the work of liquidation of consequences of the Chernobyl disaster, pupils, students (day department), master, doctoral candidates, servicemen (soldiers and sergeants) are exempt from payment of fees provided for in paragraphs 1, 2, 45-50, 52-56, 58 and 60 of this Classified List.

6. If it is requested an additional period of 6 months for payment of fees provided for in paragraphs 3, 13, 16, 17, 20, 35, 37, 42, 44, 50, 51 and 67 of this Classified List, the applicant/holder shall pay a 50% surcharge of the amount of fee that would be paid according to paragraphs listed.

7. The fee under par.75 of this Classified List shall not be paid if the modification of data in the application documents or in the title of protection occurs as a consequence of the adoption of a normative act or following the decision of the court.

8. If an applicant/holder benefits from several discounts, provided for in paragraphs 2, 3 and 4 of the notes, the fee shall be paid in the amount of the largest of these, and in the event of several applicants/holders who benefit from different discounts provided for in paragraphs 2, 3 and 4 or are exempted from payment of fees in accordance with paragraph 5 of the notes, the fee shall be paid in the amount of the lowest discount for applicants/holders.

9. Persons who benefit from discounts or are exempted from payment of fees in accordance with paragraph 5 of the notes shall present the document confirming this right on the date of payment of the fee. Small and medium-sized enterprises shall present financial reports, available until March 31 of the year following the management one or the certificate of registration for the first year of activity. Presentation of the document confirming the right to benefit from discounts or exemption from payment of fees in accordance with paragraph 5 of the notes cannot serve as a basis for the refund of previously paid fees in the meaning of reduction thereof.

10. In cases of transfer of rights and in case of change of the status of trademark from individual into collective/certification, the applicant, owner or successor in title, who does not meet the conditions provided for in paragraphs 2-5 of the notes, shall be required to pay previously unpaid fee or to liquidate the difference, in the case of partial payment.

11. To urgently perform the procedures laid down in paragraphs 2, 26, 27, 32, 33, 34, 35, 37, 39, 40, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 49, 50, 51 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 58 and 95 of this Classified List, the fee shall be increased by 100%. When calculating the amount of fees under this paragraph, the provisions of paragraph 5 and the discounts provided for in the notes shall not be applied.

12. The fee shall be deemed paid on the date of full transfer of the amount prescribed under this Classified List.

13. In the case of a request for restoration/re-establishment of rights in the framework of the Board of Appeals, it shall be paid only the fee provided for in paragraph 80, without payment of fee in accordance with paragraph 84 of this Classified List.”