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Intellectual Property, Discussed in Detail at the Symposium “AGEPI Readings”


The Annual Scientific-Practical Intellectual Property Symposium “AGEPI Readings”, 21st edition, an event organized by the State Agency on Intellectual Property (AGEPI), was held on 24 April this year. The event aimed to create a discussion and socialization platform that would allow the exchange of ideas and the identification of new perspectives for efficient and effective management of the biggest challenges in the field of intellectual property (IP).

The Symposium “AGEPI Readings” was part of the series of manifestations dedicated to the World Intellectual Property Day, celebrated annually on April 26. The main theme of the celebration proclaimed by WIPO for 2019 is: Reach for Gold: Intellectual Property and Sports.

The symposium was opened by AGEPI Director General Lilia Bolocan, who noted that “From the perspective of the 20 editions of the “AGEPI Readings”, we can say with confidence that such events dedicated to the current intellectual property issues have an undeniable importance for a deeper understanding of its role in the economic, social and cultural development of the country. We want this year’s Symposium to generate new ideas and solutions on the themes addressed, to incite to constructive discussions and to stimulate the development and consolidation of the national IP system. We are fully convinced that the current edition of the Symposium “AGEPI Readings” will contribute to the promotion and deepening of knowledge in the field of intellectual property, both among specialists and all interested persons,” said AGEPI Director General.

The Symposium gathered more than 80 participants both from specialists in intellectual property and representatives of institutions in the field of science and innovation and public authorities, as well as representatives of the State Office for Inventions and Trademarks of Romania (OSIM).

During the event, presentations were presented which covered 3 key areas:

  • Legislative developments in the field of intellectual property;
  • Enforcement of intellectual property rights;
  • Capitalization of intellectual property.

The meeting started with the first session, whose main title was “Legislative Developments in the Field of Intellectual Property” and covered communications on intellectual property and the world of sports; protection of an invention by a complementary protection Certificate; computer implemented inventions - Utility models; guide for the examination of trademark registration applications; new types of trademarks - opportunities and perspectives; moral rights of the holder of copyright and related rights.

During the second session, “Protection and Enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights”, communications were presented on the partnership between public authorities and right holders with a view to enforcement of intellectual property rights; action in forfeiture of right to trademark by non-use; the impact of trademark recognition in the context of quantifying the damage caused by counterfeiting and unfair competition; delictual legal and civil liability for conclusion and implementation of anti-competitive agreements; protection of trademarks - FIFA World Cup against acts of unfair competition.

The last session included communications on the capitalization of intellectual property such as the importance of teaching intellectual property in educational institutions; capitalization of intellectual property in the field of education and education sciences; the importance of scientific explanation; information revolution and IP challenges in the new digital era; IP pre-diagnosis in enterprises.

At the end of the event, AGEPI Deputy Director General Andrei Popa thanked everyone for their participation both with communications in the sessions and for their involvement in the debates during the presentations, encouraging them to continue their research and studies in the field intellectual property.

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