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Press Releases
Full list of Press-Releases ordered chronologically.
24/04/2009 | Events
Celebration of the World Intellectual Property-2009
Dear friends, In the honour of the World Intellectual Property Day -2009, I will convey your congratulations, all those working today in the field of art, literature, music, technical creation, protection and the utilization of intellectual property! This holiday, established by WIPO in 2001,... Read more
23/04/2009 | Events
The festive session dedicated the World Intellectual Property Day
State Agency on Intellectual Property of the Republic of Moldova in honour of the World Intellectual Property Day that is celebrated each year on April 26, organizes in April 23, 2009 in 14.00 a festive session in which will take part head of the Agency, patent attorneys in industrial property,... Read more
15/04/2009 | Events
In Kishinev will take place the 3-rd International Forum of the Small and Middle Enterprises
In the period of May 5-7, 2009 in Kishinev will take place the 3-rd International Forum of the Small and Middle Enterprises with the title “Raising of the competitiveness of the small and middle enterprises is economy increasing vector”. The Forum will take place in precincts of the International... Read more
09/04/2009 | Events
The II-rd republican competition “The best pupil-innovator”
The Academy of Sciences of Moldova, the Agency on Innovation and Technologic transfer, the Academic University in cooperation with the Ministry of Education and Youth and State Agency on Intellectual Property of the Republic of Moldova announce the II-rd republican competition “The best pupil-... Read more
07/04/2009 | Events
Contest “The invention of the Year”
State Agency on Intellectual Property of the Republic of Moldova (AGEPI) announces the scientific and innovative community of the Republic about the launch of the V competition “INVENTION -2008”. The purpose of this competition is to popularize and support of innovative activity in our country,... Read more