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Press Releases

Full list of Press-Releases ordered chronologically.

03/04/2017 | Information

Lidl and Apple Filed Most Applications for the Registration of Trademarks in the Republic of Moldova, in 2016

In the Republic of Moldova, trademarks are on top of industrial property objects for which protection is sought. During 2016, AGEPI received 4,478 applications for the registration of trademarks, including 1,968 (44%) came by the national route and 2,510 (56%) – by the international route. At the... Read more
29/03/2017 | Information

AGEPI invites you to attend the International Exhibition “INFOINVENT-2017”

During the period 15-18 November 2017, the State Agency on Intellectual Property (AGEPI) organizes the fifteenth edition of the International Specialized Exhibition “INFOINVENT”. The event will take place at the International Exhibition Center “MOLDEXPO”, organized in partnership with the Academy... Read more
14/03/2017 | Information

3 Copyright Objects that Your Company Owns and Can Protect

What is copyright? Copyright is a legal term used to describe the rights the creators hold on their literary, artistic or scientific works. Works protected by copyright and related rights, range from novels, poetry, music, pictures and movies, to computer programs, databases, technical drawings,... Read more
09/03/2017 | Information

Top 10 Ways to Protect Yourself from Counterfeiting and Piracy

Counterfeiting and piracy cost the U.S. economy between $200 billion and $250 billion per year, are responsible for the loss of 750,000 jobs, and pose a threat to health and safety. From DVDs and CDs, shampoo, and batteries to car parts, prescription drugs and electrical equipment, every product in... Read more
03/03/2017 | Information

The Interest of Foreign Applicants in Moldova Is Growing

More and more foreign applicants show interest in validation of European patents in Moldova. In all, 15 legal entities, of those who had filed a patent application with the European Patent Office (EPO) and checked that also want to validate their patents in the Republic of Moldova, have already... Read more
01/02/2017 | Information

Hague Guide for Users Revision

In January 2017, took place the latest revision of the Hague Guide for users (Guide to the International Registration of Industrial Designs). The information was published on the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) website. The revision was made in the context of amendments made to the... Read more
27/01/2017 | Information

World Intellectual Property Day – April 26, 2017

Every year, on April 26, is marked the World Intellectual Property Day to learn more about the role of intellectual property rights (patents, trademarks, industrial designs, copyright) in encouraging innovation and creativity. World Intellectual Property Day theme in 2017 is: Innovation - Improving... Read more
15/12/2016 | Information

Latest Developments in the Functioning of the Madrid Agreement Concerning the International Registration of Marks

In the framework of the 50th session of the Madrid Union convened by the General Assembly of WIPO Member States during the period 3-11 October 2016, there were taken several strategic decisions with regard to the evolution of the Madrid System. Besides the historic decision to freeze the Madrid... Read more
05/09/2016 | Information

New Mechanisms to support Patenting of Inventions and Plant Varieties Abroad

In conditions of transition to the innovative model of economic growth based on use of intellectual creation products, namely inventions and plant varieties, significantly increases the role of their legal protection, including by their patenting both in the country of origin and abroad. Thus,... Read more
10/08/2016 | Information

Franchising, an Advantageous Solution for Business Development

Franchising is a business development strategy, a form of commerce that connects a franchisor, owner of a trademark and holder of know-how, and an independent trader who is called franchisee. For the owner, franchising is a way to expand the business, and for the franchisee it is an opportunity to... Read more
20/06/2016 | Information

EU Association Agreement with the Republic of Moldova will enter into force on 1 July this year

The decision on entry into force of the EU Association Agreements with the Republic of Moldova, beginning with 1 July, was approved at the seventh ministerial meeting of the Eastern Partnership (EaP) of May 23, 2016. Thus, the General Secretariat of the EU Council, as depository of the Association... Read more
06/06/2016 | Information

Update on Implementation of the New Madrid IT System (MIRIS)

On March 23, 2016, the International Bureau (IB) deployed the Madrid International Registrations Information System (MIRIS) - a modern IT platform, designed to support the ongoing operational needs of the Madrid System and to reinforce online services for users. Initially, it was anticipated that... Read more
19/05/2016 | Information

Hemp – A Contradictory Trademark Name

Often, people who want to register a trademark choose rather eccentric names, which do not always bring plausible results. A trademark of its kind is the figurative trademark , filed for registration through the international route, by a Swiss applicant for cosmetics, coffee, alcoholic drinks and... Read more
18/05/2016 | Information

Protection of External Appearance of Foodstuffs

A well-known quote says that first it is “eaten with the eyes”. The original, attractive external appearance of foodstuffs creates preconditions to contribute creatively in a sector that is constantly growing and developing. A foodstuff with a new and original design helps to differentiate it from... Read more
28/04/2016 | Information

The Significance and Recognition of Trademarks Notoriety in the Republic of Moldova

It is unimaginable, today, a world without trademarks, a world in which goods that surround us can be easily identified when we want to purchase them. Attachment to products and services is made through trademarks and quite often, it leads to individualization of trademark which, over time, can... Read more


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