The Center on Information and Documentation in the Intellectual Property Field (CID PI) is a subdivision created in the frame of the State Agency on Intellectual Property of the Republic Moldova (AGEPI). The aim of the new structure consists in rendering the informational-library assistance in documentation, consulting and organization to the intellectual property system users of the public and private sector, including the research institutions, inventors, economic agents, small and middle enterprises, ministries and other administrative bodies whose attributions are related to sustaining and promotion of the creation and innovation activity.
The main objectives of the Center are axed on the development and promotion of the intellectual property system in the republic and consist in:
- rendering the informational assistance and consultation to the inventors, rationalizers, researchers and others categories of the users;
- providing the on-line access to the national, regional and international data bases in the IP field;
- promotion of the knowledge in the IP field and stimulating the interest of the potential users of the IP system in the Republic of Moldova in relation to the inventions;
- stimulation of the inventive and innovative activity by means of organization of the different manifestations of the informational and promotional character;
- systematic constitution and actualization of the Collection of Documentation in the Intellectual Property Field;
- organization, storing and valuating the state archival fund in the field of the intellectual property.
The Center keeps a collection of nearly 24 millions of documents: books, periodicals, official bulletins, information on the paper and electronic carrier etc. The National Collection of the patents on inventions, patent applications, trademarks, utility models, new plant varieties includes about 7,5 thousand copies. Annually it is purchased nearly 1 million of documents – official bulletins, of the industrial property, textual, bibliographic and reference data bases on the electronic carrier.
The Center on Information and Documentation is situated in the AGEPI Library.