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The X-th International Specialized Exhibition “INFOINVENT- 2007”


In the period of June 27-30, 2007 in the ISE “Moldexpo” will take place the X-th International Specialized Exhibition "INFOINVENT- 2007" a real forum for the national intelligent people and an expo-market of the inventions, equipment, technologies and new materials.

The organizers of the exhibition are the State Agency on Intellectual Property of the Republic of Moldova (AGEPI), International Exhibition Center “Moldexpo” and the Academy of Sciences of Moldova.

As in the previous editions, ISE «INFOINVENT- 2007» pursues two principal scopes:
a) the promotion on the national and international level of the technical-scientific results with the aim to draft contracts on commercializing the industrial property objects being legal protected, as well as attract investments for the implementation of the elaborated objects;
b) evidence of the most actual and perspective technical-scientific realizations for the national economy and stimulation of the authors by different distinctions and prizes instituted by the organizers and co-organizers of the exhibition.

ISE «INFOINVENT» is the largest market of the inventions in the Republic of Moldova, an ideal medium for the promotion of the autochthonous technical intelligence in the national and international competition, a most reliable place to find a business partner for the industrial application of the technical solutions of the inventors of our and adjacent countries.

On the surface of 400 m2 it will be represented about 400 inventions; new plant varieties; industrial designs, craftsmanship objects of the authors (and coauthors, inventors) from the Republic of Moldova, Romania, Ukraine, Russia, Byelorussia.

The researchers and inventors of the academic and high education institutions, innovative enterprises and individual creators will represent to the general public, managers of the companies producing and commercializing the innovational products and services, creations in the 8 fields: environment protection, security, salving; transport means, roads, lifts, packaging, stocking; industrial materials and equipment; metallurgy, mechanics, engineering; chemistry, new materials and biotechnology; power, electricity, electronics, telecommunications, audio, video technologies; computers, programs, equipment, office accessories; clothing, textiles, housekeeping, craftsmanship; medicine, pharmacy, cosmetic accessories, paramedical; agriculture, new plant varieties, food, beverages; constructions, architecture, civil engineering, materials, furniture.

This year for the first time, side by side with the posters and models, some authors will demonstrate by the computer the inventions implemented in the production. The International Jury (the president – Mr. Ion Tighineanu, vice-president of ASM) and the Commission of experts of the ISE “INFOINVENT” (president- Mr. Boris Gaina, general scientific secretary of ASM) will give priority to the works having the most defined utility and stand better chances to be implemented.

The distinctions and the prizes that will be accorded:

  • The Gold Medal of the (WIPO) „The Remarkable Inventor”
  • WIPO Trophy „The Innovator Enterprise”
  • AGEPI Trophy for innovation and creativity:
  • Grand Prix of AGEP for the fruitful activity in the field of innovations;
  • The Prize of AGEPI for the best presentation of the implemented invention and the most representative participation in the exhibition;
  • Gold, silver and bronze medals granted by AGEPI;
  • The best presentation of a best industrial design – a cup and a diploma of AGEPI
  • Diplomas and prizes of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova
  • Mentions of the Romanian Inventors Forum
  • Medals of the International Exhibition of Inventions and New Technologies „Новое Время”)
  • Diplomas and prizes of the Union of Inventors and Rationalizes „Inovatorul”
  • The Prize of the Government of the Republic of Moldova

It should be mentioned that about 70 enterprises small and medium, companies, research and development institutions from the Republic of Moldova, Romania, Ukraine, etc. It will be presented a series of the enterprises that will exhibi and commercialize products protected by the industrial design and trademarks on products and services.

The most imposing presents will be exposed by the Institute of Chemistry, Institute of Microbiology and biotechnology, Institute of Genetics and Physiology of Plants, Institute of Electronic Engineering and Industrial Technology of ASM, State University of Medicine and Pharmacy “N. Testemitianu”, State University of Moldova, Technical University of Moldova, National Scientific-Practical Center of Preventive Medicine, Institute of the Scientific Research “ELIRI” SA, Institute of the Agricultural Technique “MECAGRO”, National Institute of Inventica Yasi, State Office on Inventions and Trademarks of Romania (OSIM), National Pedagogic University „G. S. Skovoroda” of Harkov, Ukraine etc.

In the frame of the exhibition there will be organized several conferences, business presentations, two round tables: the first – on June 27, in 14.00, with a title “The role of trademarks and industrial designs in the promotion of the autochthonous products” organized by AGEPI, Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the RM, and the second – on June 28, in 10.00 with a title “Utilization of the inventions – the important factor for the economic development”, organized by AGEPI, Agency on the Technologic Transfer (AITT).

The most active journalists illustrating the intellectual property subjects will by awarded in the framework of the competition of journalists ”We should create the future of the country together with the intellectual property” organized by AGEPI.

ISE “INFOINVENT” is indisputably a scientific-technical manifestation of a great importance, in which during 9 editions took part about 650 exhibits with about 2500 inventions and cycles of inventions from all the priority fields of the science and economy, this event being an excellent occasion for the researchers and inventors of the country making an informational, technical-scientific and normative-legislative change in the field of intellectual property protection.

The inauguration of the exhibition will take place on June 27, at 11.00.
The festivity on awarding the laureates of the exhibition and of the special competitions will take place on June 30, at 11.00.